Monday 28 September 2015

Perfect Your Positional Chess

r4rk1/pb1n1ppp/1qpbpn2/1p6/5P2/2NPP3/PP1NB1PP/R1BQ1R1K b - - 2 12 In the above position, Black is tempted to eat the poisonous pawn at e3 because the pawn seems hanging without any direct protection. But Black should play other important progress such as knight to d5 square improving the centre control. By playing Qxe3 which is a blunder, Black would resign immediately after managed to understand White reply's Nc4!! with many heavy costs to save the trapped queen.

Friday 25 September 2015

Perfect Your Positional Chess

rn1q1rk1/pp2bppp/3p1p2/3P3b/8/2P2N1P/PP1NBPP1/R2Q1RK1 b - - 0 12 In the above position, Black is tempted to play a quick premature move like Nd7, Re8 or even Qb6. But one move, such as playing f5 in this interesting position seems weak but the idea must not be ignored because that move cause White to loose control of e4 square, an important future outpost for the knight and give more advantageous space for the Bishop at e7 to operate.

Monday 21 September 2015

Perfect Your Positional Chess

3rrbk1/2qn1ppp/bpp2n2/p3p3/N1P1P3/1P1NQ1P1/PB3PBP/2RR2K1 b - - 11 18 In the above position, Black has many variations to choose to try to create some important problems for White. But choosing Nc5 immediately only force Black to resign instantly because it is not double pawn problem but lost a pawn. The other interesting positional idea is to play Qb8 with the idea of pushing pawn to important b5 square. This will make Black gain more space to control.

Perfect Your Positional Chess

4r1k1/ppp1qpp1/3p1b1p/1b5P/4rPN1/1PP1B3/P1PQ2P1/2K1R1R1 w - - 7 20 In the above position, White can play Bishop from e3 to f2. This create good tension on e-file while the pressure given to Bishop at f6 is still exist.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Perfect Your Positional Chess

r2q1rk1/pb1n1pb1/2p1p3/1p5p/2pPP1pP/2N2PB1/PPQ1B1P1/3R1RK1 b - - 0 17 In the above position, Black can play pawn to c5 attacking the pawn on d4. If White want to play dxc5, Black can increase tactic pressure by playing Qe7 threatening to take the pawn with check and initiative. If White continues to protect the pawn on c5 by playing the blocking Bd6, then the h4 pawn is hanging and mating net is going to follow.