Tuesday 30 October 2012

How to Manage People

Why can't you just memorize a book on "How to Manage People" and emerge a top-notch leader? Why is leadership such a daunting task? For starters, people come equipped with this pesky item commonly referred to as a "personality." Personalities are infuriating. Particularly when yours differs from mine. Once we get to know each other, yours can be intolerable even when it is quite similar to mine. Just to keep things jumping, I can hardly stand my own half the time. Much of the confusion and chaos lurking a millimeter beneath the surface of any well-functioning organization owes to the potentially cataclysmic clashes of personality. As a leader, there are endless variables that factor into how to manage most effectively, and these factors differ with every single person on your team. If that isn't an exhausting thought, I don't know what is. You cannot directly control other people, yet you are now mysteriously accountable for their output.

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