Saturday 9 February 2013

Sacrificing Material Successfully

Sacrificing material successfully is one of the most exciting rewards the game of chess can bestow. To play a truly excellent game brings confidence and a true belief in one's own ability. Sometimes we look at the sacrificial masterpieces of the great players in awe. Could we imagine ourselves playing in that grand manner?  Some good trainers can show that we could. Romantic notions aside, the fact is that more sacrifices fail than succeed and especially today, when computing power is at a new level and gambit play is reducing to a very narrow field at master level. The advice to the newcomer to chess is still the same: learn to make combinations and sacrifices early and to let your imagination fly. Some trainers will try to keep to this maxim, but inject a dose of realism at the same time; the realism that modern chess compels us to look out for. The most important thing to understand about sacrificing is that, adhering to the maxim of Steinitz everything is geared to the needs of the position. You have to be able to recognise situations throughout the game where a sacrifice might become possible. Joining with the trainers entering the world of the chess sacrifice will be an exciting journey. In each of the following worth-solving puzzles, Black is to sacrifice material successfully or beautifully and enjoy.

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