Saturday 3 November 2012

Effective Communication

Effective communication in the workplace solves many issues before they turn into unhealthy conflict that disrupts teamwork. Unhealthy conflict can arise when communication breaks down within any size organization or team. And, when interpersonal conflict arises, people are unhappy on the job. There are some simple ways to communicate more effectively to help your team move from impasse to productivity. You should recognize that you can only control yourself. When conflict arises there are always at least two people involved, and it is very easy to blame the other person. However, blaming others, keeps you stuck in a “conflict whirlpool” because you are focused on changing the other person’s behavior. If you recognize from the outset that the only person you can control is yourself, you shift your mindset to moving forward and resolving conflict. You can ask yourself how can you interact, respond, communicate differently with this coworker so that you don’t feel so frustrated or angry? Is there a different conversation you can have with you co-worker to explain your position? Is there someone within your team or organization who can facilitate a conversation to help resolve these conflict?

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