Saturday 3 November 2012

Telling People

Sometimes you have to decide what you want to tell people. Whether it is looking for a new job, expanding your brand, launching a new venture, or promoting your current business, you need to be clear on what you want to accomplish. Take into account who you are talking to and tweak your pitch. You might tell an entrepreneur how you helped someone grow their business, but you might tell an acquaintance who you run into at the bookstore about a new workshop you are running. Who is your audience, and what is most important for them to know? In addition, you should use words that laypeople can understand.  If you tell people at a cocktail party that you are a scientist developing  high temperature superconductors for fault current limiters, most people do not understand what that means, and therefore cannot refer you business or contacts. However, they will understand that you are a scientist developing a market for new energy technologies, and will ask for more details if they are interested.

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