Saturday 3 November 2012

Starting Your Own Businesses

Many people are starting their own businesses, and you may be thinking about it too. The lure of controlling how you spend your time, money, and energy is motivating more of us to become entrepreneurs. And the range of businesses is very broad from home based jewelry and craft businesses, to restaurants, skin care, computer-engine technology and law offices. Many years ago, some businessmen created consulting groups to provide career coaching and small business consulting to individuals in transition. Although they each had 20 plus years experience in their respective fields of psychology, management consulting and law, they had much to learn about promoting and marketing a small business. There are some things they learned about moving a small business forward and you can also learn from them. Ask yourself, is it vitamins or aspirin or is the product or service I am providing something people want, like vitamins, or something people really need, like aspirin? When you have a headache, you really need an aspirin. This question is really important. When the economy is flush, people spend a lot of money on things they want. But, when times are tough, people tend to pull back and spend mainly on things they need. The bottom line is that during a recession, it is easier to sell a product or service that people really need. You can still create a business based on something people want but you must understand that you will have to invest extra time, energy, and money to market it.

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