Monday 28 January 2013

Piece Activities : Holes and Pawn Structures

Sometimes if things are going badly, the best reaction is to stay calm and centralize your pieces so they maintain maximum activity and flexibility. Indeed, centralized pieces that are working together are often a wonderful thing to behold. Creating holes in your position can have long-term repercussions, or can even lead to an immediate smackdown. If you must create a hole in your camp, be aware that you're doing so, and be  prepared to show why it's no big deal in that instance. If your opponent creates a hole in his camp, train yourself to notice it, and do everything possible to take advantage of it. Knowing as many pawn structures as possible is extremely important if you wish to reach master level. This kind of knowledge tells you, at a glance, whether creating a hole is or is not okay, what minor pieces to retain or exchange, and a host of other bits of key information. In each of the following worth-solving puzzles, Black is to play.

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